How can I help you?
When it comes to Birth and Parenting Preparation
I can help you explore all your options so you can choose a path that feels authentic and positive. It’s really important to get into the right mindset for labour and birth, to understand the physiology, and to learn ways to support your own process. My antenatal sessions are designed towards meeting your needs and prioritising what is important to you. Nothing is off-topic if it matters to you. I can meet you and your family at home or online, and you can have as few or as many sessions as you like, until you feel satisfied and empowered. I also run 4-week group workshops where people can meet each other and make lasting connections.
Individual Sessions:
First and Second Trimesters - Questions that may come up
What is the best place for me to give birth? Home? Hospital? Birth centre?
Who will be with me at the birth?
What do midwives, doulas and doctors do? How to choose the best caregiver
How can I involve my partner?
What’s the best way to prepare for birth?
What foods are healthy?
Should I be taking supplements?
What helps with nausea and insomnia?
What scans should I have?
Why so many blood tests?
What about exercise?
Can I have sex?
I suffered a miscarriage before, will this pregnancy be the same?
My mood is low, what can I do to feel better?
My worries, fears and hopes for this pregnancy
How do I look after a baby?
The Third trimester
Understanding the physiology of birth - how it works best
Exploring labour, birth and postpartum preferences
Birth rights - my body, my choice
Preparing the birth plan
What does labour look and feel like?
What are the best movements and positions for labour and birth?
Optimal fetal positioning - staying active and aligning the pelvis
Breathing techniques
Pelvic floor exercises
Practises that help prepare the mind and body - hypnobirthing, yoga, breathwork, acupuncture, osteopathy, mindfulness
What are my pain-relief options?
How will I know when to go to hospital?
Who will look after my older child?
This baby is past her due date - what must I do?
What if nothing goes to plan? Exploring unexpected situations
Breastfeeding - Understanding the physiology of breastfeeding - the first few days and weeks - Will it just happen? Will I have enough milk? How long is the right time to breastfeed? How will I continue when I go back to work?
I’m so tired and uncomfortable… how can I get some sleep?
What happens after the baby comes? The immediate postpartum period and the first few days and weeks
The ‘Babymoon’ - Baby care in the fourth trimester - skin to skin, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, bathing, cord care, baby massage
Connecting with other families
The Fourth Trimester - When Baby is Earthside
This session can be either informational at the usual session price, or it is a visit in my role as lactation consultant
Breastfeeding and baby care
Group Course
4 sessions at The Nudge, Lisboa
This course will include all the content above, structured into 4 sessions:
Physiology of Birth, Birthplace, Birth Partners
All Things Labour and Birth, How to Stay on Top
Preparing a Birth Plan
Breastfeeding and Baby Care
Cost: €240
Next course dates:
7 Feb 2-4pm
14 Feb 2-4pm
21 Feb 2-4pm
7 March 2-4pm
Following course dates:
11 Apr 2-4pm
25 Apr 2-4pm
2 May 2-4pm
9 May 2-4pm
Address: R. do Almada 32, 1200-259 Lisboa
Parking Calçada do Combro
Tv. André Valente 6, 1200-452 Lisboa
Public entrance is on Travesse Andre Valente